Thoughts on Arvid Lunnemark’s Blog: A Journey Through Unconventional Ideas and Prompt Design Insights

Thoughts on Arvid Lunnemark’s Blog: A Journey Through Unconventional Ideas and Prompt Design Insights

Arvid Lunnemark, another co-founder of Cursor, pondered in his blog about why teleportation is hard to achieve and the high cost of tunneling. He also put forward working principles including facing chaos, allowing things to be different, using UUIDs, delaying serialization, observing with one’s own eyes, clearly naming to avoid ambiguity, and labeling dangers. He emphasized the importance of good tools. He also mentioned some interesting content such as Aman Sanger’s commonly used notebook which contains Class 1/Class 2 problems, the online version of “Open Source Application Design”, content about plants, and tweets recommending niche books. Additionally, Arvid wrote an article “Prompt Design” last year. He pointed out that Prompt Design and Web Design have similarities such as clarity and communication being the core goals, both having to respond to dynamic content and adapt to different sizes or contexts. He also mentioned preview effects, composable components, declarative being better than imperative, and the pursuit of “pixel-perfect”. And Prompting Agents are similar to interactive websites. Inspired by this, he created Priompt, a Prompt design library based on React and JSX.

Published on December 25, 2024 at 20:44:10.